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File List | 1994-01-22 | 20.4 KB | 262 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 27 - Printer Drivers and Utilities │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 2COL49D.ZIP 43350 09-09-93 2COL: 2-column compressed print utility
- | for dot matrix & deskjet. It prints up
- | to 8 pages on one side of a sheet of
- | paper (or 16 pages using both sides of
- | sheet). Faster and more readable than
- | other compressed print programs. Great
- | for shareware manuals and for reducing
- | the bulk of paper stored or transported.
- | Save $ when FAXing/mailing. Now
- | supports Proprinter II, Tandy, etc.
- 4LCTRL.ZIP 32852 07-26-93 4L is a program to display and
- | optionally set default parameter values
- | in the HP LaserJet 4L printer.
- 60DM01.ZIP 26481 10-25-93 WPD Dot Matrix Printer Drivers, mostly
- | for Epson printers.
- 60DM02.ZIP 12289 10-25-93 WPD WP6.0 Drivers for NEC Pinwriters.
- 60DM03.ZIP 32881 10-25-93 WPD WP6.0 Dot Matrix Drivers 3 mostly
- | IBM.
- 60DM04.ZIP 21473 10-28-93 WPD WP6.0 Toshiba Printer Drivers.
- 60DM05.ZIP 8034 10-28-93 WPD WP6.0 Texas Instruments Printer.
- 60DM06.ZIP 53317 10-28-93 WPD WP6.0 Okidata and RIMA Printer.
- 60DM07.ZIP 23094 11-16-93 Printer Drivers: Panasonic, Roland
- | Raven Dot Matrix (WDN).
- 60DM08.ZIP 39398 11-16-93 Many Citizen Printer Drivers & IBM 5183
- | (WDN).
- 60DM24.ZIP 23174 09-13-93 WordPerfect 6.0 Seikosha printer
- | driver.
- 60HP02.ZIP 243188 10-22-93 WPD 60HP02.ZIP Word Perfect 6.0 Laser
- | Drivers Collection 2 (WP60HP02.ALL)
- | (WDN).
- 793PDRVR.ZIP 147621 07-26-93 New printer drivers for GeoWorks v2.0
- | only.
- BCB10.ZIP 171071 10-07-93 BARCODE-BLOBS Bar Code Storage Facility
- | v1.0 ASP This program produces black and
- | white PCX bar code graphic images for
- | use with DTP, Word Processing, Database
- | Systems, Paint and other programs which
- | can import standard PCX graphic files.
- | High quality 300x300 dpi graphic
- | resolution image files.
- CANNDRV.ZIP 54947 07-21-93 Cannon printer drivers for Microsoft
- | Word for DOS.
- CANON2.ZIP 105307 07-04-93 Canon BJ 300/330 Printer Drivers From
- | MicroSoft Download Service.
- COLPR2.ZIP 40440 07-08-93 ColPrint v2.0: Shareware printer
- | utility program used to print newspaper
- | style columns of text. Prints up to
- | three columns per page and works with
- | many dot matrix printers, DeskJet, and
- | laser printers. Included is a word wrap
- | program, Rap, which can be used to
- | reformat the text files into specific
- | line widths.
- DMP_130.ZIP 220967 09-15-93 Nice printer utility for Tandy DMP130
- | and other Tandy 9-pins in IBM mode.
- DUPLEX.ZIP 14182 07-01-93 DUPLEX: A simple, yet complete program
- | which controls printing on both sides of
- | the paper. The program produces odd-
- | numbered pages, and then even-number
- | separately. Correctly handles formatted
- | and unformatted text, no matter how your
- | printer stacks the paper, you handle the
- | sheets when DUPLEX is used.
- FPRINT10.ZIP 83813 06-06-93 Fine Print: 4 Pages on 1 Sheet.
- GEOPDRVR.ZIP 148928 07-30-93 Printer Drivers for GeoWorks Ensemble
- | 2.0 From GeoWorks; support a self
- | extracting upgrade to the printer
- | drivers to solve problems with some
- | setups. ALL users of 2.0 should get
- GEOSPOOL.ZIP 36884 07-30-93 SPOOL.EXE upgrade for GeoWorks Ensemble
- | 2.0 New spool driver to correct problems
- | with some printer setups. Direct from
- | GeoWorks support. ALL GeoWorks 2.0 users
- | should get this AND GEOPDRVR.ZIP.
- HEXMAP10.ZIP 220098 06-10-93 Generate hex maps with dot matrix
- | printer.
- HL_311.ZIP 30413 10-14-93 Huckabey Labels. 200 records per
- | unlimited databases. Edit, print, add
- | records, etc.
- JETCOL27.ZIP 79677 07-30-93 JETCOL is a 2 column compressed print
- | utility for lasers. It prints up to 10
- | pages on one side of a sheet of paper
- | and 20 pages using both sides. One of 10
- | soft fonts provided is automatically
- | selected according to amount of
- | compression needed. Has features which
- | automate operation for best readability
- | and appearance of printout.Saves $ when
- | faxing or mailing.
- LABLPRO.ZIP 141252 07-18-93 Label Pro II. Create standard or two
- | part mailing labels and print with any
- | font you currently have loaded.
- LPTBUFF.ZIP 4595 03-29-93 Lpt-Buff is a TSR program that converts
- | up to 64k of conventional RAM into line
- | printer buffer. Particularly useful if
- | you have an old, small-buffer printer
- | that keeps your computer tied up
- | whenever you are printing longer files.
- MANDER.ZIP 5177 11-13-93 MemForm for v3.0: Dictionary print
- | utility.
- MAPPR503.ZIP 170185 07-06-93 Plat Mapper v5.0.3. Prints a plat map
- | based on a surveyors description.
- MP36_1.ZIP 151348 10-06-93 Multi-Print v3.6 (1 of 2): Print 1-9
- | pages of text on each sheet of paper, in
- | 5 different ways, on Epsons, DeskJets or
- | LaserJets! Print 2-sided on ANY printer.
- | Save up to 85% of the paper normally
- | used! Includes 17 fonts! Print manuals,
- | readme or source code files, catalogs,
- | newsletters, etc. Easy-to-use; menu
- | driven.
- MP36_2.ZIP 162119 09-27-93 Multi-Print v3.6 (2 of 2): LJet/DJet
- | fonts Compressed font libraries for use
- | with Multi-Print, the ultimate
- | text-printing utility. LaserJet and
- | DeskJet users: get these libraries for
- | the Helvetic and Times Roman fonts, as
- | well as the flexibility they offer.
- | MP's Newspaper, 2-column format requires
- | a 20 cpi font. Many HP LaserJets have
- | none; 2 are included here!
- PAGEJEKT.ZIP 5255 07-25-93 Create your own tiny program to make
- | your own printer eject a page to the top
- | of the next blank page. (works with
- | lasers too) From the American
- | Psycho/Info Exchange BBS.
- PANALASR.ZIP 327241 06-11-93 Latest (03/93) PANASONIC Laser Printer
- | Drivers for Windows, direct from
- | Panasonic Canada.
- PCBIND23.ZIP 71644 03-19-93 The PC Bindery v2.3: utility that
- | creates a four-sided, half-page sized
- | booklet from an easily created
- | word-processor printer file; requires an
- | HPLJ-compatible printer.
- PDRV60.ZIP 11937 10-20-93 WP 6.0 Printer Driver Locator File
- | (WDN).
- PHP140.ZIP 15604 10-28-93 A freeware utility program created out
- | of necessity to print text files, such
- | as reports or program listings,
- | downloaded from IBM mainframe and
- | certain minis. A small program that
- | allows for a few basic printing options
- | (lpi, cpi, etc.) as well as more
- | advanced ones. Print HP will print on HP
- | LaserJet II, III and IV series printers.
- PRINTF12.ZIP 25695 08-21-93 Quick flip printer orientation.
- PRNPLS66.ZIP 71479 06-26-93 Print Plus v6.6: Text file(s) print
- | utility puts date/time/filename on first
- | page. Point & shoot file selection,
- | simple file manager & mouse support.
- PRNTGF16.ZIP 77369 09-02-93 PRINTGF v1.06: A GIF printer for IBM/DOS
- | systems. Outputs 240 level/plane b/w or
- | color, with dithering, brightness and
- | contrast control, gamma and gray balance
- | color correction, user selectable clip
- | area, print size, portrait or landscape.
- | Supports 9, 24 pin printers, HP
- | LaserJet, DeskJet, PaintJet, Canon LBP,
- | BJ, BJC, PDP ProTracer, VESA SVGA, and
- | many other printers and displays.
- PRNTGL14.ZIP 269568 10-24-93 PRINTGL v1.40: A pen plotter emulator
- | for DOS & Windows systems. Prints or
- | displays HP-GL from most CAD & graphing
- | packages. Supports 9 & 24 pin printers,
- | Canon LBP, BJ, BJC, HP LaserJet,
- | DeskJet, HP-GL/2 devices, PDP ProTracer,
- | PostScript, VESA SVGA, and many other
- | printers and displays, and outputs PCX
- | files. User selectable pen width, color,
- | shading, paper size, magnification, etc.
- PRNWAT.ZIP 1637 07-09-93 PRNWATCH (Printer Watch) is a TSR pgm
- | that monitors all printer activity via
- | INT 17h; includes ASM source.
- PRT2V10.ZIP 23368 03-26-93 Print2 v2.10. LaserJet utility to print
- | 2 ASCII pages onto 1 sheet landscape.
- PRWRI12.ZIP 18261 07-19-93 Printwrite: A Wincmd Script That Allows
- | You To Print A Long .WRI Document On
- | Both Sides Easily. It Will Print
- | Alternate Pages (1, 3, 5, Etc.), Pause
- | For You To Take The Paper Out Of Your
- | Tractor-Feed Printer And Turn The Paper
- | Around, Then Resume Printing Opposite
- | Sides, etc.
- PSD550C3.ZIP 14928 07-16-93 HP 550c drivers for Print Shop Deluxe.
- PSDRIV.ZIP 12240 09-13-93 PSDriver v0.1 is a device driver that
- | allows direct printing of ASCII files to
- | a Postscrip printer. It can also be used
- | on network printers.
- PSP2_0.ZIP 83138 11-19-93 PSPRINT v2.0: An easy to use utility
- | for printing text files to PostScript
- | printers. Features fill-in-the-blank
- | screen interface as well; as a command-
- | line interface. Other options include:
- | response files for option automation,
- | letter/legal/a4 paper sizes, shrink2
- | pages - 1 page, line numbering, tab
- | sizes, output to any device/file.
- QSL1.ZIP 51765 03-20-89 Print QSL Labels For Envelopes.
- RDODC20A.ZIP 11139 08-06-93 RedoDoc v2.0A: utility that converts
- | documents into 2 files for printing, one
- | for side one of the sheets & one for the
- | other side.
- SMASHDOC.ZIP 71996 07-01-93 Smash 4 pages of printing onto 1 page
- | of paper.
- THISDY_S.ZIP 145156 11-18-93 THISDAY IN HISTORY v1.0: Gives loads of
- | trivia from the year you were born.
- | Commercial quality printouts. Color/
- | Mono, Laser or Dot matrix.
- TRANSRC3.ZIP 7606 10-01-93 TRANSFER RECORD SHEET v3.0: Print useful
- | forms on your own printer to document
- | your file transfers, uploads, downloads,
- | BBS lists, online time, PC equipment
- | information, and a complete and up to
- | date listing and description of your
- | file records.
- TSRDL29D.ZIP 198224 06-11-93 TSR DOWNLOAD v2.9d: Soft font manager
- | for LaserJet or DeskJet soft fonts. 7K
- | TSR compresses fonts to cut size by 6,
- | finds all fonts in up to 8 directories,
- | displays them in English. You can
- | download, control the printer, and more.
- | Includes sample LJ & DJ soft fonts.
- TWLABELS.ZIP 63919 07-21-93 Toddware Label Maker is a simple label
- | making program.
- UNDRBAR.ZIP 90818 06-04-93 UnderBar v2.2: TSR (memory-resident)
- | program which prints an 11-digit
- | Delivery Point Bar Code under any
- | address which ends in a ZIP+4 code.
- | UnderBar is totally automatic and works
- | with whatever word processor, mailing
- | list, or database program you already
- | use. Epson, IBM ProPrinters and
- | LaserJets supported.
- UPLABLE.ZIP 14544 12-19-90 Converts label files from 1-up to n-up.
- WP60DM07.ZIP 18077 06-01-93 Panasonic KX-P2123/2124drivers for Word
- | Perfect.
- XL30011.ZIP 517501 06-04-93 Windows drivers for HP Paintjet XL300.
- XPRT45.ZIP 55964 07-25-93 XPRT v4.5: LaserJet family and
- | compatible printer utility; provides
- | access to text formatting capabilities
- | via menu or command line; allows shading
- | of alternating lines of text for easy
- | reading of source code, etc.; word wrap,
- | left margin setting, tab expansion pica,
- | elite, compressed, and miniature print,
- | port selection or print to a file.
- XPRT46.ZIP 56005 07-29-93 LaserJet family and compatible printer
- | utility with text formatting
- | capabilities via menu or command line;
- | allows shading of alternating lines of
- | text for easy reading of source code,
- | etc.; word wrap, left margin setting,
- | tab expansion pica, elite, compressed,
- | and miniature print, port selection or
- | print to a file.